So you want to join the cool gang?
What does membership get you?
With membership comes access to:
Bragging rights that you are part of the SSYC
A starter pack that includes…
White Standard Burgee - This lets everyone know you are a member of the Sea Sloth Yacht Club.
Gin Pennant Burgee aka “Come Say Hi” - This is designed to let people on other boats know that you are welcoming fellow members on your boat. What happens after that is up to you. #NoJudgement
Burgee Stickers
Member connectivity
Optional mailing list notifications
Upcoming events
Event summaries
Our members come in every variety. We are a community of sea lovers. If you can get behind the story of who we are, who we want to become , and the values that we share, we’d love to hear from you. We welcome boat owners, aspiring ocean goers and good spirited landlubbers!
How much is membership?
All member fees are a one-time payment per person that goes towards covering our operational costs (website, email, burgees, stickers). All proceeds (if any) will be put towards building projects/services for the SSYC, creating events, competitive cruises, and regattas.
Cost: $95 CAD per person.
Annually: Nothing!